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Why be born again? Part 4
In John 17v50-51 Nicodemus defends Jesus by speaking up for him and reminding the Sanhedrin that the Law of Moses demands a fair trial...
Why be born again Part 3
As a Pharisee, Nicodemus’ mind would begin to turn towards Exodus 14:21 (the Exodus) when the strong wind dried up the Red sea...
Why be born again? Part 2
Nicodemus did not call Jesus Lord.
When Nicodemus called Jesus Rabbi (teacher from God) he had got it right thus far, for the many miracles
Why be born again? Part 1
Watchman Nee gives a good way of understanding this.
If your father, or grandfather, or great grandfather had died as a child you would not
Jesus' Manifesto Part 4
and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ,
Jesus' Manifesto Part 3 The onward transmission
Jesus’ mission (manifesto) was passed down to the disciples and so on, all the way down to us believers today.
Jesus' Manifesto Part 2
21 And He began to say to them, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”
Jesus' Manifesto Part 1
Luke 4:18-19 The UK news media is buzzing at present with speculation as to when the next UK general election will take place. Once the...
The one and only true Gospel
The Gospel was the only answer to the downward spiral of human activities in Rome and is still the same answer to the same problem in the,,,
How to prepare your heart for revival Part 4
The reason we do not have revival is that we are willing to live without it.
How to prepare your heart for revival Part 3
Here is God’s solution for a backslidden and lukewarm church.
Sow for yourselves in righteousness –Sowing; –live right before God-
Made in the image of God Part 4
When a believer is born again somehow the image of God is restored. A major goal of the Christian life is to bear a true of image of God
Made in the image of God Part 3
So far we have learned that the bible teaches that 'made in the image of God' refers to the image of God's character i.e. righteousness...
Made in the image of God Part 2
Something happens to our ‘image of God’ that it is distorted by sin but the new birth giving us the new man somehow restores our ‘image'
Made in the image of God Part 1
Modern atheistic scientists tell us that humans are in an unimportant species, found on an insignificant planet in an obscure part of the...
Thought for Resurrection Sunday
These women all have names, and they all have stories. Mary Magdalene was among them. The Lord had cast seven demons out of Mary; then there
The meaning of the Resurrection
Perhaps the most puzzling thing about the resurrection of Jesus Christ is why Christians tend to only speak about it at Easter.
Following Jesus Part 3
(1) deny self,
(2) take up our cross,
(3) follow Jesus.
(4) Be prepared to lose our life.
Following Jesus Part 2
Jesus did not tell His disciples to follow other teachers; in fact, He warned against "false teachers" and rejected teachers of questionable
The joy of finding lost valuables
When I was a young teenager, my mother took me aside one day, and entrusted the Churchill crown to my safe keeping, I hid it in an old..
The Good News: Why It Brings Great Joy to All People
For many Xmas is a time of some happiness but Xmas is a very pale imitation of the real Christmas, the celebration of the birth of the...
Is it Xmas or Christmas?
Those early believers would have recognised Jesus instantly, and our Lord is being embedded deeply, presently, and historically into...
What happened to the baby in the manger? Part 2
The ‘world’ is happy to focus on the baby. He is no threat to their lifestyle, whilst in manger. Yet we in the church are filled with awe..
What happened to the baby in the manger? Part 1
However, Jesus Christ did not remain a baby but became the mighty King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Saviour of the world, and the...
The Kingdom of God 1
The Kingdom of God was so central to the preaching of Jesus Christ that the “Kingdom of God” you could say is like the 'catch-phrase' ..
How to share your faith story 1
People can argue about what the bible says or what the church says but it is more difficult to argue about your personal experience of Jesus
The miracle of the new birth
Jesus is telling Nicodemus and in a sense all mankind that a second birth is necessary to enter all God’s ways , purposes, and blessings...
Luke 24:5 Why are you looking for the living amongst the dead?
This portion of Scripture details how the women go to the Lord’s tomb very early in the morning taking with them the spices they had prepare
Intro: Kingdom of God
The Kingdom of God was so central to the preaching of Jesus Christ that the “Kingdom of God” you could say is like the catch-phrase in Jesus
Made in God's image
What is the value of a human life?
What is a human life worth?
Is human life precious?
From the toolkit to the pulpit
The story of Rev Morris Dutch I met and received Jesus as my Lord and Saviour at the age of 17 on the evening of Saturday 29 March 1969....
Jesus explains the New Birth
In John's gospel chapter 3 there is a fascinating discussion between Jesus and Nicodemus which we can follow through verse by verse.
Immanuel: The Ultimate Christmas Gift for Humanity
This unique baby went on to provide a way back to God for mankind for all of us have gone astray.
Jesus came to heal the broken hearted
In these days of the global pandemic, there are a lot of broken hearts around the world.
Lessons from Galatians Part 2
Paul is still addressing his critics who compared his calling unfavourably to the apostles Peter, James, and John.
Lessons from Galatians Part 1
The main thrust of the letter is to bring correction to the churches because Judaizing teachers had arisen, saying, that faith in Christ
Charles Green Testimony
It is no secret what God can do, what He has done for others, He will do for you
With arms wide open He will pardon you
5 year old Muslim girl has vision of Jesus
A Journey From Islam To Christ – From Bondage To Freedom. I was born to a Muslim family in Indonesia. My parents have five children, and...
The precious blood of Jesus
When Jesus was crucified, he gave not a pint of his blood but all of it, every drop. He gave it willingly, not just to save a mortal life...
The Cross
The cross in a church building is usually in a central place. The cross of Jesus Christ has a central place in our faith.
Jesus our Braveheart
Romans 3:23 We are all sinners
Acts 4:10-12 Only Jesus can save you
Acts 2:34-36 We all need to repent (turn around completely)...
The thief on the cross
Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Comment; it is not clear exactly what the 'good' thief expected from Jes
A Free Pardon
What can President Biden give someone, but Queen Elizabeth cannot? The answer is a free pardon.
How to be born again
Jesus is telling Nicodemus and in a sense all mankind that a second birth is necessary to enter all God’s ways , purposes, and blessings...
What is truth?
Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life, and so we learn that ‘truth’ is a person!
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