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Psalms & Proverbs

Is committing you ways and works to the Lord the key to success and fulfilment? Part 2
Whatever we do in any sphere of life we must understand that all our undertakings require a total dependence upon God for without the Lord

Is committing your way and works to the Lord the key to success and fulfillment?
Unless God is in the task from its inception our plans are going nowhere and will eventually fail.

How can the God of the Old Testament be described as loving? Part 3
The integrity of God’s character is a better explanation of our apparent conundrum of how the God of the Old Testament approves or even...

How can the God of the Old testament be described as loving? Part 2
How can we match up these curses from the imprecatory Psalms with the God of Love described in the New Testament?

How can the God of the Old testament be described as loving? Part 1
How can we match up these curses from the Psalms with the God of Love described in the New Testament?

Only God can provide total security Part 3B
The mighty and holy angels of God are commanded by him to post a special watch over those who under the shelter of Almighty God...

Only God can provide total security Part 3A
Psalm 91 has been called God’s atomic bomb shelter, but is in fact it is our nuclear, chemical, and biological shelter.

Only God can provide total security Part 2
we consider the security found in the wisdom of God and then proceed to consider security for life and death.

Things to remember in the dry valley
all believers should expect to pass through the dry valley where the only apparent water is our tears.

What happened to the baby in the manger? Part 2
The ‘world’ is happy to focus on the baby. He is no threat to their lifestyle, whilst in manger. Yet we in the church are filled with awe..

Favourite Psalms: 139
v1-4 God my Heavenly Father sees me, He knows me through and through.
What a sense of wellbeing and contentment!

Thanksgiving as a lifestyle-1
One thing that does not show God how much we love and appreciate Him is complaining. It is a habit that is quite easy to fall into...

Psalm 27
This Psalm has a habit, when I am finding life difficult, of coming to my notice.
I find it has had all-encompassing message over the years

Why pray for the peace of Jerusalem?
Let us consider the question of Jerusalem and Israel's relevance to the church of Jesus Christ. Firstly let us look to the Psalms for...

The testimony of David J Meldrum
The amazing thing is that Jesus didn't come for “religious people”, or “good people”, or “special people”. He came for anyone who is willing

My favourite Psalm-27
Psalm 27 by Jean Esslemont An Exuberant Declaration of Faith A Psalm of David NKJV 27 The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I...

All your tears are in God's bottle
None of us enjoy experiences that cost us tears and often the enemy tries to use these experiences to discourage us and tell us what a mess

The Presence of God Part 4
God’s presence brings us peace and security which we can find in Psalm 91.
Some have called Psalm 91 God’s atomic bomb shelter or more accur

Fear not
Every time in the bible, either the Lord or an angel appears to a believer, the first thing they say is ’fear not’ or the like. It is one of

Psalm 91 as a prayer
Find God's total security in the pandemic Lord Most High, we thank You that we live under Your Shelter and that we are under Your shadow...

Proverbs 31:10-31
This heart warming message is for women and men!

Psalm 51
When we sin as believers our attitude to the sin is all important.
Sometimes we might try to pretend there is no sin or even to justify it

Israel & Jerusalem's relevance
Let us consider the question of Jerusalem and Israel's relevance to the church of Jesus Christ.
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