Is committing you ways and works to the Lord the key to success and fulfilment? Part 2
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Psalms & Proverbs
Is committing your way and works to the Lord the key to success and fulfillment?
How can the God of the Old Testament be described as loving? Part 3
How can the God of the Old testament be described as loving? Part 2
How can the God of the Old testament be described as loving? Part 1
Only God can provide total security Part 3B
Only God can provide total security Part 3A
Only God can provide total security Part 2
Things to remember in the dry valley
What happened to the baby in the manger? Part 2
Favourite Psalms: 139
Thanksgiving as a lifestyle-1
Why pray for the peace of Jerusalem?
The testimony of David J Meldrum
My favourite Psalm-27
All your tears are in God's bottle
The Presence of God Part 4
Psalm 91 as a prayer
Proverbs 31:10-31
Israel & Jerusalem's relevance