How to avoid unanswered prayer Part 4
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A good place to start our prayers is by making them that line up with scripture such as the one in Phil 4:6-7
When I make up my jewels Malachi 3:16-18 Part 3
"Lord, you made a promise, are you going to fulfil it? We believe that you are a covenant keeping God. Will you be true to your covenant?
When I make up my jewels Malachi 3:16-18 Part 2
but one of the praying deacons said to Duncan Campbell, "Don't be discouraged, it is coming. I already can hear heaven's chariot wheels.
When I make up my jewels Malachi 3:16-18 Part 1
Two of the greatest revivals in the 20th century were the Welsh and the Lewis/Hebridean revivals, both involving Celtic peoples.
God can make a little go a long way
This story made me think of a recurring theme in the bible of how God can make a little go a long way. Let us bring these stories to mind…
The dimensions of God's love Part 1
The prayers of Paul listed below are not in the word of God by chance but are there that Holy Spirit can use them to lead us into how we
Dealing with unanswered prayer
In this study we suggest four potential reasons for you to consider when your prayer seem to be unanswered.
We then suggest four actions to
We are blessed with the Power to Bless
God exists to bless
God simply lives to bless.
Blessing is in the essence of the flow of divine love between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Why pray for the peace of Jerusalem?
Let us consider the question of Jerusalem and Israel's relevance to the church of Jesus Christ. Firstly let us look to the Psalms for...
Storing up treasure in heaven-3
Likewise today in Part 3 your prayers ought to be strictly between you and the Lord. You motive is crucial.
Unanswered prayer Part 3
We are going to consider, based on our four possible reasons, how we can avoid getting into the position where our prayers are unanswered.
Unanswered Prayer Part 2
Today we look at two more possible reasons for seemingly unanswered prayer which are 3)a lack of unity in those praying together 4) Delay...
Unanswered Prayer Part 1
One aspect that we did not cover was the subject of unanswered prayer which we will now consider, is apparently unanswered prayer. We often
Teach us to pray Part 3
Why is prayer important in your life? In Part 2 we saw that mostly we pray to the Father in Jesus’ name, although sometimes we will pray...
Teach us to pray Part 2
To whom do we pray? Do we kneel to pray? In Part 1 we saw that prayer is a communication to/with God. Many believe their prayers are...
Teach us to pray Part 1
Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire? As we begin a new mini-series our topic will be 'Lord, teach us to pray. Have you ever...
God wants your littles
Some years ago, whilst working in my role as a biomedical scientist, I heard about a patient who had a kidney transplant. Such patients need
5 types of prayer
The logos word is the written word but the rhema word is the spoken word.
Psalm 91 as a prayer
Find God's total security in the pandemic Lord Most High, we thank You that we live under Your Shelter and that we are under Your shadow...
Called to be an intercessor?
An intercessor is one who takes the place of another or pleads another’s case. Jesus came to bridge the gap between God and sinful man. 1...
Paul's powerful prayer
Would you dare to ask God for his best for yourself and others, or do you think that the Lord can only just keep you saved?
Israel & Jerusalem's relevance
Let us consider the question of Jerusalem and Israel's relevance to the church of Jesus Christ.
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