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Guest Speakers
Unpacking the Significance of the Advent Season: A Time of Hope, Preparation, and Anticipation
The dictionary definition of Advent states that it is: - a) The coming or arrival of something or someone that is important or worthy of...
Pentecost or Shavuot?
Because this is partially to blame for the church – in general – moving away from its Hebraic roots.
Favourite Psalms: 139
v1-4 God my Heavenly Father sees me, He knows me through and through.
What a sense of wellbeing and contentment!
God's covenant with Abram
And He took him outside and said, 'Now look toward the heavens, and count the stars, if you are able to count them.' And He said to him..
End Times; a few initial thoughts
by Guest blogger Ian Atkin Traditionally and in times past, primarily a ‘Holy Day’ – holiday – Christmas acknowledged true belief in the...
From the toolkit to the pulpit
The story of Rev Morris Dutch I met and received Jesus as my Lord and Saviour at the age of 17 on the evening of Saturday 29 March 1969....
Are we living in the end times?
2020/21 and the Covid-19 pandemic – What does it mean?
Is the pandemic one of ‘the signs of the times’ which points to the ‘end of the age
The testimony of David J Meldrum
The amazing thing is that Jesus didn't come for “religious people”, or “good people”, or “special people”. He came for anyone who is willing
God speaks through the Bible
The real question is can a book written centuries ago, still be relevant today and hold promise for tomorrow; to understand this, we need to
My favourite Psalm-27
Psalm 27 by Jean Esslemont An Exuberant Declaration of Faith A Psalm of David NKJV 27 The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I...
All your tears are in God's bottle
None of us enjoy experiences that cost us tears and often the enemy tries to use these experiences to discourage us and tell us what a mess
Church without walls?
Is your church boring? When churches stopped meeting together and resorted to online services as a result of the pandemic, I couldn't...
Hebraic roots: why study?
Will a working knowledge of our Hebraic roots help us understand the Scriptures?
What Genesis means to me by Thomas Woods
The book of Genesis is the bedrock on which the rest of the Bible stands. The book of Genesis is the bedrock on which the rest of the...
Should Christians celebrate it? Halloween Should we celebrate it and call it a Light Party or Avoid it - Dress Up for it - Give...
Did the first believers really think Jesus was God?
Evidence that the first believers really thought Jesus was God? Jesus is Lord! Christians are right to believe that the New Testament...
Jesus, King of the Jews
A meditation for Easter by Ian Atkin Believers in Jesus Christ are familiar with the belief that Jesus is a King and refer to Him as...
Reflections on Hebrews 12:1-3
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily
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