Picture the scene [1], William Wallace standing before the ramshackle Scots army, when they see their formidable enemy, some begin to break ranks and leave. Wallace addresses the men, “Which of you when you are old and about to die in your beds would not rather know that you had fought today and even died for freedom?” He inspires them and they fight for successfully for freedom.
Also, you may consider the reputed address of King Robert the Bruce to his army before the battle of Bannockburn (1314) :
Scots wha` hae wi` Wallace bled
Scots wham Bruce has often led
Welcome tae your gory bed
Or to victorie
We shall drain or dearest veins
But they shall be free!
The human heart cries for freedom
Freedom from Oppression
Freedom from Slavery
Freedom from Bondage
But it is not the English who are the enemy today
It is not the Irish who are the enemy today
It is not the Russians who are the enemy today
Jesus never came to defeat the Romans.
The true enemy of every man, whatever his race or nationality is Satan. For it is he who comes to steal, kill, and destroy every human being, those who been made in the image of the Living God.
He enslaves them in sin. He takes them captive at will, with lies, deceit, and temptation. Human beings have few natural defences against the devil and his wiles. Half of the people today do not even believe he exists! What a lie, what a deception. He just binds them in his chains.
Winston Churchill said, “We shall fight them (The Germans) on the beaches, air, sea, and land.” But the real battle in life for freedom is not fought with tanks, guns, or aircraft.
It is a fought in the hearts, minds of men, women, and children against a supernatural foe, who knows our every besetting sin and weakness
Who can deliver us from such bondage (to have to keep on committing the same sins)? Praise the Lord for Jesus Christ the Braveheart.
He came, he saw, he died
He rose and lives forever
No one else was worthy
No one else was able
No one else loved the Father like He did
Jesus Christ the Braveheart willingly surrendered himself to false judgement, to lies and to extreme brutality. His skin was flayed, his beard plucked, he was wearing a crown of thorns and yet willingly gave his life on that cruel cross. Yes, even the humiliating death of the cross, that you and I might be set free from the penalty of sin and eternal death.
What a Braveheart to live and to die for freedom, not for himself, for he was, is and for evermore is free. But freedom for you and me today, and to all who would receive Him, they would become the free children of God.
Jesus the Braveheart came to set us free, God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power to preach the gospel to the poor, to open blind eyes and deaf ears, to set the captives free, to bind up the broken hearted. Jesus the Braveheart mends the broken-hearted. Jesus is the Gospel.
And what is this gospel of Jesus Christ
Romans 3:23 We are all sinners
Acts 4:10-12 Only Jesus can save you
Acts 2:34-36 We all need to repent (turn around completely)
Romans 10:9-10 We all need to confess Jesus Christ with your mouth and believe in your heart
You Christians
Jesus Christ the Braveheart stands before you His army tonight and calls each you to inspire each other to victory. To overcome the sin in your life, to keep our eyes on Him. He was obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Our captain was willing to shed his blood for the remission of our sins. Shall we shrink back from the cross? Lord, make us willing to the drain our dearest veins for the freedom not only of this nation but for all peoples.
Brave hearts are willing to die for freedom, including dying to sin, to self, to selfish pleasure, to your own hopes, plans, and ambitions but alive to Christ, his will, his Word, and his Spirit.
We are God`s freedom fighters
We will need to fight mighty powers and principalities over this land, for it is they who hold the people in bondage through the fear of death.
We must make every sacrifice that God requires.
1. Prayer, fasted prayer
2. Going the extra mile
3. Loving your enemies
4. Sacrificing for others
5. Forgiving
Jesus the Braveheart has led the way, we must follow Him into the thick of the battle and bring his freedom to all people starting at our own doorsteps.
To you an unbeliever
Definition: People who have never taken Jesus as their personal saviour.
Are you brave enough today?
1. To admit you are a sinner.
2. To be willing to turn from your sins with God's help.
3. To believe in Jesus Christ and confess him as your Lord? (see prayer and advice on next page)
Now is the day, Now is the hour, to let Jesus Christ the Braveheart break your chains and shackles of your sins and bondage.
Today is the day of to finally stop being Satan’s slave.
Find out how by clicking the link below
The bible is clear in Romans 10:9-10 it says
v9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
v10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
We now need to turn this belief into a prayer spoken from your heart.
Dear Jesus , thank you for taking my punishment on the cross, which I deserve for all the wrong things I have done in the past. Help me turn away from the ways of this world and all its the false promises. I ask now for your forgiveness and a fresh start in my life. I invite the Holy Spirit into my heart and mind to show me how to live from this time on. Amen
You now need to start praying, reading your bible and find a church where they teach and believe the bible.
Bless you , the angels in heaven are rejoicing over your decision to turn to God.
[1] As in the movie Braveheart starring Mel Gibson.