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The whole counsel of God

Writer's picture: cgreenps1cgreenps1

We need to know the entire bible

If you look at your bible while it is closed there are a few things you can tell. Firstly, if all the pages are new and unworn, this means one of two things, either your bible is new or else if it is not then you do not use it very much!

If the last third or so is worn but the first two thirds unworn then you spend most of your time in the New Testament. Conversely, if the first two thirds are worn and the last third unworn then you spend most your time in the Old Testament.

Each Testament has its own unique emphasis however, either one is incomplete without the other. Someone has calculated that there are 6,600 cross references between the Old and New Testaments.

This poem attempts to explain the relationship between the two testaments.


The New is in the Old Contained

The Old is in the New Explained

The New is in the Old Enfolded

The Old is in the New Unfolded

The New is in the Old Concealed

The Old is in the New Revealed

Yes, there is a wonderful harmony between the Old and the New Testament. 66 books written by some 40 authors, all inspired by the same Holy Spirit.

Today, we are going to see from God`s word the need for Christians to read and to know all of God`s word i.e. both testaments of the bible.

Key Scripture

Acts 20:17-30

Verse 20; Paul kept back nothing from them that he knew about God, about God`s word, about God`s will, about salvation and about the Gospel. He gave them all that would profit

them whether it suited them or not. He taught them about all things pertaining to life and godliness. He preached the cross and Christ crucified to the Jews a stumbling block and

to the Greeks foolishness.

Verse 26; Innocent of the blood of all men, why? Because he did not shun/neglect to tell of all

God’s word.

Verse 27; The whole counsel of God

The whole/complete/perfect will of God for man. Do you want to be innocent of the blood of all men? Perhaps like Paul we need to be able to declare/ to explain/to share the whole counsel of God to our fellow men.

But where did Paul get/find the whole counsel or perfect will of God for man? Paul did

not have a copy of the New Testament like we do today because it had not been written

yet. But Paul understood the whole counsel of God by;

❖ Studying the Old Testament Scriptures

❖ Receiving revelation of them by the Holy Spirit

Christians who only read the New Testament please note that the Apostle Paul only had the Old Testament to study to. (see Psalm 33:11)

Acts 17:10-12; They searched the scriptures daily to find out if what Paul and Silas preached was true. Do you search the scriptures daily to find out if what your leaders are preaching

is true? What scriptures did the Bereans search? Again, it was the Law and Prophets of the Jewish The Old Testament.

Jesus Christ fulfilled all the prophecies about Messiah in the Old Testament.

2 Timothy 3:12-17

Verse 16 All scriptures from Genesis to Malachi, and from Matthew to Revelation are inspired by God.

It is all God breathed. It is all full of Life. It is all full of Power. It is sharper

than a two-edged sword and is given ability to penetrate the thought and motives

of our hearts. Although men wrote the books of the whole Bible, it was the Holy Spirit

who breathed God`s life into them!

All scripture is profitable for doctrine, good wholesome sound godly teaching.

All scripture is profitable for reproof for telling you off where you are wrong.

All scripture is profitable for corrections. How to get it right now you admit you

admit your errors.

All scripture is profitable for instruction in righteousness. For showing you that you

are righteous in/through Jesus Christ and that we have no righteousness of our own,

and tells us how to walk in that righteousness.

Verse 17 All scripture is given by inspiration of God that you the man of God, the woman of God, may be thoroughly fully equipped for every good work. Would you like to be

thoroughly equipped? Then read the scriptures daily, read all the scriptures, both

the Old and the New testaments.

Matthew 13:52 On every occasion, you can receive a living word as Holy Spirit brings to you something old and something new. Something old from the Hebrew scriptures (the law) and something new from the New Testament (grace). Let us read the poem again.


The New is in the Old Contained

The Old is in the New Explained

The New is in the Old Enfolded

The Old is in the New Unfolded

The New is in the Old Concealed

The Old is in the New Revealed

Let us be like Paul and know the whole counsel of God and declare it.

And be guilty of no man’s blood.


Practical Note: It is never too early to start to prepare your plans for reading God`s word.

Prayer: Pray for a new balance in your own scripture reading.


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